The objective here is to create a simple sshd cookbook for Red Hat/CentOS configuration.
Create the cookbook
knife cookbook create sshd
Create the default recipe.
Options like sshd port , banner etc will be pulled from a data bag called base_config. The template file for SSHD configuration would be sshd.erb.
File : cookbooks/sshd/recipes/default.rb
sshd_config = data_bag_item('base_config', 'sshd') template "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" do source "sshd.erb" mode "0644" variables( :sshd_port => sshd_config['port'], :x11_forwarding => sshd_config['x11_forwarding'], :banner => sshd_config['banner'], :permit_root => sshd_config['permit_root'] ) end template "/etc/" do source "" end service "sshd" do action [ :restart ] end
File : cookbooks/sshd/template/sshd.erb
Port <%= @sshd_port %> Protocol 2 #other SSHD config has been omitted for the sake of the blog post PermitRootLogin <%= @permit_root %> X11Forwarding <%= @x11_forwarding %> Banner <%= @banner %> #other SSHD config has been omitted for the sake of the blog post
In we are are reading from motd and adding a little blurb after that
File : cookbooks/sshd/template/
<%="/etc/motd") %> ***************************** Use of the Site by unauthorized users is prohibited and unauthorized users will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. *****************************
Data bag
Create the data bag
{ "id": "sshd", "port": "2222", "x11_forwarding": "no", "banner":"/etc/", "permit_root": "no" }
Finishing up
knife data bag create base_config
knife data bag from file base_config data_bags/base_config/config.json
knife cookbook upload sshd
Then add the recipe to a role or node run list and run the chef-client