Sunday, 21 December 2014

Docker, Rackspace On Metal and Core OS

This post will cover Rackspace On Metal, an intro to Docker, review of CoreOS & Fleet and demonstrate how one could use all of them to build a multi-tier application.

The associated presentation on this can be found at & the code at

Before you start

You will need the following
  •  A Rackspace cloud account. Get a free tier Rackspace developer account -
  •  If you don't have an account, you can still follow this and do it on your own servers.  Some of the examples are specific to Rackspace cloud servers but the ones around Docker, CoreOS and Fleet can be done on any server.
  •  Ensure you have novaclient installed. Refer to for more details.

Rackspace On Metal

Onmetal provides single-tenant bare metal servers and you read more about it here

As of Dec, 2014, On Metal is only available in US region of IAD. So you need a Rackspace US cloud account.

We will have two groups of servers.
  • First we will build a single Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) On Metal server

nova boot --flavor onmetal-compute1 \

--image 6cbfd76c-644c-4e28-b3bf-5a6c2a879a4a \

--key-name $key \

--poll play01
  • Now prepare CoreOS cluster. First get a discovery URL for your cluster. More on this at
curl -w "\n"
  • Edit the cloud init file named coreos-cluster/cloudinit.yaml. Replace the token url from above.
  • If you are doing on On Metal use coreos-cluster/cloudinit-onmetal.yaml as a workaround for Eventually the above should work on both flavors.
  • Decide which flavor you are using
#On metal

# Performance

  • Boot 4 servers for the cluster
nova boot --flavor $flavor --image $image  --key-name $key \
--config-drive true --user-data $cloudinit core01

nova boot --flavor $flavor --image $image  --key-name $key \
--config-drive true --user-data $cloudinit core02

nova boot --flavor $flavor --image $image  --key-name $key \
--config-drive true --user-data $cloudinit core03

nova boot --flavor $flavor --image $image  --key-name $key \
--config-drive true --user-data $cloudinit core04


Now let's play a litte with Docker.

  • Install docker on Ubuntu (play01 above)
apt-get update
apt-get install -y screen git vim
update-rc.d  defaults

  • Pull our first image. Review the listing & you should have 3 centos images for each of the versions.
docker pull centos

docker images
  •  Run it. '-i' is for interactive & '-t' allocates a pseudo-tty.
docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash

  • This runs the default image for CentOS. Review the inside to see how this looks inside docker.
cat /etc/redhat-release




cat /etc/hosts


  •  List Docker processes
docker ps -a

  •  Run a different release
docker run -i -t centos:centos6 /bin/bash

cat /etc/redhat-release


  •  On the host (play01) with the networking. Docker uses a combination of Linux bridges and iptables to build managed networking on the container, communication with other containers and communication from the outside.
ifconfig docker0

iptables -nvL

iptables -nvL -t nat

  •  Let's run something more than bash.

docker run -d  centos python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888

  •  And check a few things.
docker ps

docker top <container UID>

docker inspect <container UID> |less

curl  http://<container IP>:8888

  •  Let's do some more. Clone the repo from git
apt-get install -y git

git clone

  •  Review the Dockerfile. This image file installs Nginx and PHP & loads a sample php file
cd /root/onmetal-docker/ubuntu_phpapp

cat Dockerfile

docker build -t="srirajan/ubuntu_phpapp" .

docker images

  •  Run the container and map the port 80 on the container to port 8082 on the host. You can curl the URL to see the site.
docker run -d -p 8082:80 "srirajan/ubuntu_phpapp"

docker top <container UID>

docker logs <container UID>

docker inspect <container UID>

#curl the container IP

curl http://<container IP>/home.php

#curl the public IP and port

curl http://<IP>:8082/home.php

  •  Docker diff
docker diff <container UID>

  •  Now let's look at linking containers. Start a mysql container and map the mysql port on the container to the host port 3306
docker run --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dh47dk504dk44dd -d -p 3306:3306 mysql

docker logs db

  •  Build the helper container
cd /root/onmetal-docker/dbhelper

docker build -t="srirajan/dbhelper" .

  •  Start a helper container as a linked container and check it's environment variables. Linking allows information to be shared across containers. You can read more about linking here
docker run --name dbhelper --link db:db srirajan/dbhelper env

  •  Now if you run the actual container as it is, it will login to the mysql instance on the db container and install the world database.
docker rm dbhelper

docker run -d --name dbhelper --link db:db srirajan/dbhelper  /usr/local/bin/

docker logs dbhelper

CoreOS, Fleet & Docker

  • In the above steps, we should have created 4 core os machines with cloudinit. Now, lets play with CoreOS, etcd and Fleet. This should list all 4 machines in the cluster. Fleet is a distributed cluster management tool. It relies on etcd, which is a distributed key value store for operation. It also works with systemd files and behaves like a distributed systemd in a multi-node setup.
fleetctl list-machines

  •  Pull our repo on one of the nodes.
git clone

  •  Review and load all the services. We will go into details of each service in following steps.
cd /home/core/onmetal-docker/fleet-services

fleetctl submit *.service

fleetctl list-unit-files


db.service      fbf415a launched launched -

dbhelper.service 747c778 inactive inactive -

lbhelper.service 0592528 inactive inactive -

mondb.service  a4f50cc inactive inactive -

monweb@.service  d5ed242 inactive inactive -

web@.service  0ac8be5 inactive inactive -

  •  Run the db service.
fleetctl start db.service

Unit db.service launched on 2aa4e35a.../

fleetctl list-units


db.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

  • You can also review the systemd service file. This one is fairly simple service and runs a mysql container on one of the hosts. Wait for this service to start before proceeding. Also note, that Fleet decides which host to run the container on.
cat db.service


Description=DB service





ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker pull mysql

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dh47dk504dk44dd -p ${COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4}:3306:3306 mysql

ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop db


  •  One oddity with fleet is that to query the status, you have to run the command on the host running the container.
fleetctl status db.service

db.service - DB service

   Loaded: loaded (/run/fleet/units/db.service; linked-runtime)

   Active: active (running) since Thu 2014-11-13 14:11:06 UTC; 8min ago

  Process: 22050 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker pull mysql (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

 Main PID: 22068 (docker)

   CGroup: /system.slice/db.service

           └─22068 /usr/bin/docker run --rm --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dh47dk504dk44dd -p mysql

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Warning] No existing UUID has been found, so we assume that this is the first time that this server has been started. Generating a new UUID: ec53a4d8-6b3e-11e4-8386-0a1bbbebe238.

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '*'; port: 3306

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note] IPv6 is available.

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note]   - '::' resolves to '::';

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'.

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note] Execution of init_file '/tmp/mysql-first-time.sql' started.

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note] Execution of init_file '/tmp/mysql-first-time.sql' ended.

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: 2014-11-13 14:11:12 1 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.

Nov 13 14:11:12 core04 docker[22068]: Version: '5.6.21'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)

  •  dbhelper.service uses container linking to install the mysql world database and configure some users for our application. The systemd configuration tells fleet to run on the same host as the db.service. mondb.service is not a container but uses systemd to run a script that updates etcd with the information about the db service. In this case we are just pushing private IPs to etcd but this can be leveraged to do other things as well.
fleetctl start dbhelper.service

Unit dbhelper.service launched on 2aa4e35a.../

fleetctl start mondb.service

Unit mondb.service launched on 2aa4e35a.../

  •  Run fleetctl again to see where our containers are deployed. Because of our systemd definition file, fleet will ensure they run on the same host.
fleetctl list-units


db.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

dbhelper.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

mondb.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

  •  You can also login to the host running the dbhelper service and review the journal (logs) for the service.
fleetctl journal dbhelper

-- Logs begin at Mon 2014-11-10 21:00:41 UTC, end at Thu 2014-11-13 14:23:43 UTC. --

Nov 11 05:22:51 core04.novalocal systemd[1]: Stopped DB Helperservice.

Nov 11 05:22:51 core04.novalocal systemd[1]: Unit dbhelper.service entered failed state.

-- Reboot --

Nov 13 14:22:43 core04 systemd[1]: Starting DB Helperservice...

Nov 13 14:22:43 core04 docker[22239]: Pulling repository srirajan/dbhelper

Nov 13 14:23:00 core04 systemd[1]: Started DB Helperservice.

Nov 13 14:23:06 core04 docker[22272]: Creating the world database

Nov 13 14:23:13 core04 docker[22272]: Creating application user

Nov 13 14:23:13 core04 docker[22272]: Counting rows in

Nov 13 14:23:13 core04 docker[22272]: COUNT(*)

Nov 13 14:23:13 core04 docker[22272]: 4079

  •  Now let's move on the web containers. Start the one container from the web service. In systemd a service with @ is generic service and you can append values to start as many of them. The first container will take a little bit of time as it is downloading the container.
fleetctl start web@01.service

Unit web@01.service launched on 6847f4f7.../

fleetctl list-units


db.service  2aa4e35a.../ active  running

dbhelper.service 2aa4e35a.../ active  running

mondb.service  2aa4e35a.../ active  running

web@01.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

  •  Start 9 more web containers. Fleet will disribute them across the different hosts.
fleetctl start web@{02..10}.service

Unit web@04.service launched on ee5398cf.../

Unit web@10.service launched on 2aa4e35a.../

Unit web@07.service launched on 6847f4f7.../

Unit web@09.service launched on ee5398cf.../

Unit web@03.service launched on 6847f4f7.../

Unit web@05.service launched on c3f52cb3.../

Unit web@02.service launched on ee5398cf.../

Unit web@06.service launched on c3f52cb3.../

Unit web@08.service launched on c3f52cb3.../

fleetctl list-units


db.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

dbhelper.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

mondb.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

web@01.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@02.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@03.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@04.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@05.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@06.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@07.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@08.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@09.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@10.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

  •  Start the monweb services. These are similar to the mondb.service and update etcd with different values from the running containers.
fleetctl start monweb@{01..10}.service

Unit monweb@04.service launched on ee5398cf.../

Unit monweb@02.service launched on ee5398cf.../

Unit monweb@01.service launched on 6847f4f7.../

Unit monweb@05.service launched on c3f52cb3.../

Unit monweb@03.service launched on 6847f4f7.../

Unit monweb@09.service launched on ee5398cf.../

Unit monweb@07.service launched on 6847f4f7.../

Unit monweb@10.service launched on 2aa4e35a.../

Unit monweb@08.service launched on c3f52cb3.../

Unit monweb@06.service launched on c3f52cb3.../

fleetctl list-units


db.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

dbhelper.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

mondb.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

monweb@01.service 6847f4f7.../ active running

monweb@02.service ee5398cf.../ active running

monweb@03.service 6847f4f7.../ active running

monweb@04.service ee5398cf.../ active running

monweb@05.service c3f52cb3.../ active running

monweb@06.service c3f52cb3.../ active running

monweb@07.service 6847f4f7.../ active running

monweb@08.service c3f52cb3.../ active running

monweb@09.service ee5398cf.../ active running

monweb@10.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

web@01.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@02.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@03.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@04.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@05.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@06.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@07.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@08.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@09.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@10.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

  •  Query etcd for values. This will return the IP addresses and ports of the web containers.
for i in {01..10}; do  etcdctl get /services/web/web$i/unit; etcdctl get /services/web/web$i/host; etcdctl get /services/web/web$i/public_ipv4_addr; etcdctl get /services/web/web$i/port; echo "-----" ; done









































  •  Test the site on one of the container.


<!DOCTYPE html>



<strong>There is no place like</strong><br/>Date & Time: 2014-11-13 14:29:18<br/>Container name: dca363b9af75<hr/>



  •  At this point, we have database container running and a bunch of web containers running on different hosts. The communication between them has been established as well.
  • Optionally, we can run the lbhelper service that updates the cloud load balancer. This requires a Rackspace cloud load balancer pre-configured and you need to set the values in etcd
etcdctl set /services/rscloud/OS_USERNAME <cloud username>

etcdctl set /services/rscloud/OS_REGION <cloud region>

etcdctl set /services/rscloud/OS_PASSWORD <cloud api key>

etcdctl set /services/rscloud/OS_TENANT_NAME <cloud account no>

etcdctl set /services/rscloud/LB_NAME <cloud lb name>

etcdctl set /services/rscloud/SERVER_HEALTH_URL health.php

etcdctl set /services/rscloud/SERVER_HEALTH_DIGEST dbe72348d4e3aa87958f421e4a9592a82839f3d8


  • Now run the lbhelper service.
fleetctl start lbhelper.service

Unit lbhelper.service launched on 2aa4e35a.../

fleetctl list-units


db.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

dbhelper.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

lbhelper.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

mondb.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

monweb@01.service 6847f4f7.../ active running

monweb@02.service ee5398cf.../ active running

monweb@03.service 6847f4f7.../ active running

monweb@04.service ee5398cf.../ active running

monweb@05.service c3f52cb3.../ active running

monweb@06.service c3f52cb3.../ active running

monweb@07.service 6847f4f7.../ active running

monweb@08.service c3f52cb3.../ active running

monweb@09.service ee5398cf.../ active running

monweb@10.service 2aa4e35a.../ active running

web@01.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@02.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@03.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@04.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@05.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@06.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@07.service  6847f4f7.../ active running

web@08.service  c3f52cb3.../ active running

web@09.service  ee5398cf.../ active running

web@10.service  2aa4e35a.../ active running

  •  You can look at the logs from it. This container runs a python script that will populate the load balancer with the IP addresses and port numbers from the web containers. The script queries etcd for the information and also does a health check to determine the status of the container.
docker logs lbhelper

[11/13/14 14:35:48][INFO]:Authenticated using rtsdemo10

[11/13/14 14:36:32][INFO]:web 01 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:36:32][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:36:32][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:36:32][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:36:33][INFO]:web 02 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:36:33][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:36:33][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:36:33][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:36:44][INFO]:web 03 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:36:44][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:36:44][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:36:44][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:36:55][INFO]:web 04 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:36:55][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:36:55][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:36:55][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:06][INFO]:web 05 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:37:06][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:06][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:37:06][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:12][INFO]:web 06 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:37:12][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:12][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:37:13][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:23][INFO]:web 07 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:37:23][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:23][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:37:24][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:34][INFO]:web 08 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:37:34][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:34][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:37:35][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:45][INFO]:web 09 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:37:45][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:46][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:37:46][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:57][INFO]:web 10 Found. Processing server

[11/13/14 14:37:57][INFO]:Health test passed. Adding to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:37:57][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:37:57][INFO]:Adding server to load balancer

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 11 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 12 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 13 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 14 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 28 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 29 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 30 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 31 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 32 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 33 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 60 does not exist.Skipping...


[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 97 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 98 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:web 99 does not exist.Skipping...

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Printing summary

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Load balancer pool myworld found

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 80

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18001

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18002

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18003

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18004

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18005

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18006

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18007

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18008

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18009

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Nodes: 18010

[11/13/14 14:38:08][INFO]:Sleeping 10 seconds...

  • This covers our initial exploration of Docker, CoreOS and Fleet.  There is more these tools can do to help with tighter integration but overall this combination is a good way to manage docker containers and run serious workloads on it.

Misc Commands

A collection of random snippets that are useful.
  • Build without cache. This burnt me the first time. Ubuntu removes old package versions from their repos and if a cached image has that version, apt-get install will try to pull that and fail. Needless to say --no-cache will takelonger to build.
docker build --no-cache
  •  Review logs of etcd and fleet
journalctl -u etcd

journalctl -u fleet

  •  Delete all containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

sleep 2

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

  •  Delete all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)

  • Cleanup fleet
fleetctl destroy $(fleetctl list-units -fields=unit -no-legend)

fleetctl destroy $(fleetctl list-unit-files -fields=unit -no-legend)

sleep 5

fleetctl list-unit-files

fleetctl list-units

  • Restart Fleet
sudo systemctl restart fleet.service


  • Free Rackspace developer account -
  • Core OS -
  • A good overview on why docker was created. Done by dotCloud founder and CTO Solomon Hykes -  -
  • Getting Started with systemd -

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